A hearty vegetable soup made with beef broth to give it extra oomph. You can substitute chicken or vegetable broth for the beef broth if desired. Serve...
This recipe takes baby carrots along with other wonderful ingredients to create a creamy soup that is sure to please! Peeling and chopping is kept to a...
If you're looking for comfort food, look no further. This creamy and delicious Instant Pot® tomato soup recipe warms the soul from the inside out. Garnish...
This soup can be served hot or cold, and is great to use up those giant zucchinis from the garden! This soup can easily be adjusted to your personal tastes....
This delicious vegan vegetable soup uses lots of vegetables in a tasty, light broth, easy to adapt to your personal taste! Suggest adding cooked basmati...
This soup is delicious and rich. We like it best on cold days. You can use more or less broth depending on how thick you like your French Onion Soup. Also...
Easy, versatile soup. Try changing recipe to Vegetable Beef soup by adding veggies, more liquid and seasoning. If desired, ham may be used in place of...
This is a great, flavorful soup that 's even better the next day. It's very thick, almost casserole like. Add water for a more liquefied soup, but be careful...
This sweet, nutty-flavored squash soup is perfect for cold, fall days. Get ready for a warm hug for your insides. Drizzle with olive oil, non-dairy cream,...
This creamy fall favorite is perfect for those following a keto or low-carb diet, and the whole family will love it! I use bone broth if I have it on hand,...
That's what I call YUMMY COMFORT food! To make it a bit richer I saute one large onion in 5 tablespoons of butter sprinkled with one tablespoon of brown...
This recipe is a traditional potato soup as served in Bavaria. Warm and full of flavor, it is perfect on a cold winter's evening. Garnish with parsley...
This soup is made with leftover veggies. My kids call it garbage soup because it would have been garbage if we hadn't made soup! Throw in any type vegetables...
I basically came up with this at the end of summer and picked all my tomatoes, bell and banana peppers and did not know what to do with them all! Threw...
This is a delicious cold soup and makes a quick summer meal with the addition of a loaf of sourdough bread. This soup has a distinctive flavor to it that...
This hearty and delicious soup combines a wonderful variety of vegetables with peanut butter and a few red pepper flakes for unexpected flavors and just...
I modified another Allrecipes pumpkin soup recipe past recognition and decided to add it here to share. It has a little bit of a kick to it from the chili...
This is a hearty warm soup with just a hint of beets that's quick and easy and makes a healthy filling meal. Served with grilled cheese sandwiches, it...
My grandma called this soup Hobo Soup. She said it was something they made way back when, out of whatever they had available in their garden and shelves....
A pureed vegetable soup can be an impressive, easy and affordable first course for an elegant dinner, or even a light dinner on its own with salad and...
I was looking for a great butternut squash soup recipe that was creamy with great flavor. I found that I liked elements of many of the ones out there,...
I don't think there's a difference between a liquid salad and a cold vegetable soup, but if there is, let's consider this Bloody Mary Burrata the former....
A delicious blend of potatoes, vegetables, and chunks of ham in a wonderful creamy soup. Everyone that has ever tasted it has said that it was the best...
I love cabbage and always try to come up with new ideas for cooking with it; it's a very economical staple in the fall and winter months, thus this recipe....
There's nothing like a hearty soup to warm you up on a chilly day! When I was a teenager, I worked at a restaurant that had a ham and broccoli soup in...
Why waste beetroot greens? Trouble is many of us don't know what to do with them. This Polish vegetarian soup comes to the rescue, a delicious combination...